Featured Tarot cards are among the most popular of card types in the world. Collected for their card value, as well as notorious for the "fortune telling powers" entailed in their usage, the popularity of tarot cards is evident. Basically, the interpretation of tarot card deck entails variations, in terms of their meanings and symbolism. Depending on the type of tarot card deck, as well as the type of spread, a tarot card deck interpretation could mean one thing over that of another. Tarot cards are basically a deck of cards populated by 21 trump cards. The types of tarot cards are quite popular, if not for the symbolism they represent in tarot card readings, but also for the art tarot cards are known to entail. Here are some of the more popular of tarot cards, with a brief description as to what they are, and what they represent in the world of tarot cards. The Fool The Fool is indeed one of the most popular of tarot cards. Mind you, the fool being talked about here doesn't talk about fool as in foolish, but rather talks about a jester, which in the Medieval Times, was commonly referred to as the fool. The Fool of tarot cards' typical depiction entails that of a young man walking towards a cliff, with his dog following him, his possessions in one hand, and a rose on another. The actions of the Fool tarot card symbolizes beginnings, talking about starting on a journey, or going on an adventure, being simply spontaneous, living the moment, or simply doing unexpected things, having faith, and embracing folly, accepting the many choices one makes in life. The Tower The tower would be another popular card when talking about tarot cards. The tower card is typically drawn with a tower, which appears to be stuck by a lightning bolt. The actions of the Tower card typically symbolizes sudden change, representing an upheaval experience. Also, the Tower card also signifies exploding, representing emotional outbursts. The Tower card is also known to represent falling down, not in the literal sense, but more....read more -
Tarot You have learnt the cards and their meanings and you know how to lay a tarot spread but how do you actually give a tarot card reading for someone else? These tips and rules should help you conduct your first tarot reading! 1. Discuss beforehand with the client what you both expect to achieve from the reading. For you, this means explaining how the tarot works and what the cards will and will not predict. You need to express to your client that the tarot will predict what is most likely to happen in the future and why these events will happen. Tarot will also provide the best course of action to either encourage or discourage these future events. You will need to explain that a reading may not provide the client with the answers they are specifically searching for, but it will give them guidance in an area of their life that they need at that time. You need to advise them that the cards may not answer a question at all! The client is simply not to know the future at that time. You will also need to make your client aware that both negative as well as positive information may be communicated through the cards and they have to be comfortable with that before proceeding with the reading. 2. When it comes to the reading, decide what tarot spread you will use. Will it be a Celtic cross or something more specific to the interpretation of what your client is asking? Ask your client to shuffle the deck and focus on the issues they would like answering whilst shuffling. Ask them to then cut the cards into three stacks and to recombine them into one deck in whatever order they feel is natural. 3. Take the deck face down and hold them in the palm of your hands. Take this time to communicate inside yourself to your higher consciousness, higher self or spirit guide (whatever you believe in,) and ask that the communications you receive are clear, accurately interpreted and give the client a positive and constructive....read moreTarot Reading: 10 Tips & Rules
By admin on October 15, 2019
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