Numerology Numerology is the use of numbers and number combinations in divination. Numerology is often used as part of psychic readings. Each number corresponds to a meaning. They also correspond to the letters of the alphabet. It is though these meanings and correspondences that numerology is interpreted and charts are made for divination. The numbers used are zero through 10. Any number larger than 10 is broken down by adding the two digits of the number together to get a single digit number. The following explains the generally accepted meanings of the number zero through ten: 0- everything and nothing all at once 1- singular, individual 2- balance, pair 3- communication 4- creation 5- action 6- responsibility 7- the mind, thought 8- power 9- the end 10- begin again The meanings of the numbers vary often according to each numerologist. However, in general the above meanings are a good representation of the number meanings that are most often used. Sometimes the numbers 11 and 22 are assigned special meaning as prime number that represent the most important and meaningful numbers in numerology. The numbers also are related to the letters of the alphabet. For this numbers 1 through 26 are used. Usually in numerology reports a persons name is written out then labeled with number for each letter. The numbers are then added together and brought down to a digit between one and ten. For example: Sue becomes the number 18/20/5 18 becomes 9 20 becomes 2 5 stays as 5 Then it is added: 9+2+5=16 The answer, 16, is reduced to a single digit of 7 This is the basis of translated words into numerology. It is an important part of the process, though and something every numerologist needs to know. Numerology charts are often done for one person or can be made to compare two people, such as in a relationship. Numerology reports often tell about the inner workings of a person or relationship. A numerologist has to be able to make the connection between letters and number, as well as be able to add and interpret the meanings....read more -
Numerology Mastering numerology is like mastering any other skill. The more you know about the tools you are working with - the more adept you are going to be at accomplishing the craft. The core numbers that should be the essential basis of any reading are: * The Life Path Number that is based on your BIRTHDATE * The Expression Number (sometimes referred to as the Personality Number, Potential Number and Destiny number)that is based on ALL THE LETTERS OF YOUR FULL NAME GIVEN AT BIRTH. * The Soul Urge Number (sometimes also called the Soul, Soul Path or Heart's Desire number) that is based on a reduction of the VOWELS in your full birth name. * The Destiny Number (sometimes also described as the Inner Dreams, Inner You or Karmic Number) that is based on a reduction of the CONSONANTS in your full birth name. First of all lets look at the divination of the LIFE PATH NUMBER. The Life Path Number is calculated from assigning a numeric value (which don't worry! we will provide for you next week) to your birthday (which must be written out in long form as in 05/25/1959 as opposed to 05/25/59.) The Life Path Number is perhaps the most commonly requested reading of all of the numerology readings as it is the easiest and fastest to do. It describes your journey through life and what you can best hope to accomplish. However simply looking just at your Life path number does not constitute what I would call a full reading. Even a reading that consists of just the four core elements is not a complete analysis as it only describes the most likely projected path when you are born. It does not take into account special challenges or potential moments in time when you can use your free will in order to change what would otherwise be your fate. The Life Path Number is the sum of your entire birthday including the year. This number represents whom you were when you came into this world and the extent of your potential and limitations physically,....read moreThe Four Core Numerology Readings
By admin on September 21, 2019
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